I am passionate about helping women overcome limiting beliefs, self sabotage and procrastination in order to achieve big goals and step into their most confident selves.

I spent my adolescence and young adulthood in fear of disappointing others and making mistakes: dreaming of a different, better version of myself. Believing so deeply that once I was “smart enough, thin enough, pretty enough…” my life would finally begin. I was overwhelmed by the idea that I was in some way, lacking. This led to years of self sabotage, negative self talk, and feeling less than. It eventually led me to my lowest point and so deeply entrenched in an eating disorder that I couldn’t see a way out. No amount of “perfection” or success would give me what I so desperately wanted: to feel confident in my skin and to accept that I was deserving of living a full life. I’m here to teach you all I’ve learned along the way, one step at a time. I’ve got you!


Coaches listen.

I’ll ask you questions. A lot of them. We’ll tap into your experiences to generate ideas so that you are empowered to make your own choices. I’ll give you the tools to overcome limiting beliefs and self doubt. I’ll help you recognize and conquer negative self talk.

Coaching is for you:

  • If you’re tired of feeling like life is passing you by

  • If you feel as though you’ve missed your chance and it’s too late

  • If you have big goals but struggle to get to the next level

  • If you have a history of aiming high but lack follow through

Maybe you need the reminder that you’re in control. Here it is:

You are the only person who gets to decide what you’re capable of. But we only find out if we’re willing to get a little uncomfortable and really go for it. If you’re hungry for it, committed to putting in effort and ready for change, let’s get to work. I can’t wait to meet you!


  • I grew up in a big family. Constant chaos, so much drama, fighting and laughter. The relationship I have with each of my siblings is forever evolving, but they are some of my favorite people.

  • My mother is as much a dreamer as my father is a realist. Both have had a massive impact on how I see the world.

  • I’m a master instructor at SoulCycle, where I’ve worked for 9 years. It’s incredible to see the power of movement and the impact it has on confidence.

  • For 5 of those years, I worked as a Talent Development Leader (aka mentor). I love working with fellow instructors. It keeps me inspired.

  • I suffer from wanderlust and am happiest when I’m traveling and exploring.

  • My kids remind me that time is fleeting and to not pursue the things we want, to put our dreams on hold, is to waste precious time.

  • I was raised on soccer (Hello, Argentine father!) My family wept when Argentina won the World Cup in 2022 for the first time in 36 years. What a f’ing day!!

  • I love TV. (Love Island & Summer House fans, I’m looking at you!) I’d be embarrassed if it didn’t bring me so much joy.

  • I once ran the Boston Marathon for $50. The most I’d ever run up to that point was 9 miles. A bet is a bet.